domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Robert Down The Right Path

Robert Down The Right Path

This novel was translated due to the popularity of the novel in Spanish. More than 8 editions in Spanish of 2000 books each have been sold, the success of the topic, the passion to overcome poverty and the understanding of a group in society eagered for guidance and to become better.

With a clear, straightforward prose, this novel explores the causes and consequences of youth gangs, a searing social situation that is real and growing in today's society. In this novel, Rose Marie Tapia captures the lives of those affected by the degradation of today's society and describes how all must cope with the consequences. The theme is based on a vision, a proposal of change, to reverse the process of attitudes that threaten to destroy our basic human values, and to find solutions to neutralize society's progress toward self-destruction.

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